Tue 4 Apr 2017 09:00 - 09:45 at D0.08 - Session I

This talk will present ongoing work in the context of the PACE (Programming Abstractions for Applications in Cloud Environments) ERC Advanced Grant. I will start by presenting core concepts of REScala, a language for concurrent and distributed reactive programming. Next, I will focus on our ongoing work on CorrL, a core language that aims at unifying concepts for reactives, events, and streams to enable a broad range of custom correlation behaviors, be it relational-algebra joins, CEP-style event patterns, RP combinators, or synchronization patterns. The key insight is to separate general-purpose and custom correlation semantics via an extensible effect system that enables fine-grained control over correlation semantics, which resembles the way aspects enable control over the semantics of a base language. I will conclude with a more speculative discussion of how I envision CorrL’s concepts to be integrated into REScala and its generalized correlation semantics to be part of a module system for reactive cloud-based applications.


Mira Mezini is professor of computer science and vice-president for research and innovation at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. Together with her students and collaborators, she has made significant contributions in programming language design and implementation with special focus on fostering modularity and adaptability in software, software analysis techniques with special focus on security, and recommender systems for software engineering. She is (co)author of over 150 scientific publications, most of them in renown software engineering and programming language journals and conferences. Mira is member of editorial boards respectively steering committees of several international journals and conferences, such as JOT, TAOSD, AOSD, ECOOP, ESEC. She has served as the General Chair of AOSD 2005, and as the PC chair of AOSD 2008, ECOOP 2011, and ESEC/FSE 2013. She received several awards, most notably an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council in 2012.

I am a Professor of Computer Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany.

My research focuses on software development paradigms and tools.

On the paradigms side, I develop programming languages to enable the visions of “software as a service (SaaS)” and “software product-lines” by providing large-scale module concepts with built-in support for adaptability and extensibility.

On the tools side, I work on intelligent software-development environments that guide developers to increase the development productivity and the software quality. Such environment leverage web-based resources to automatically generate and recommend established programming rules and patterns; they also enable architects to explicitly specify such patterns to be enforced during development.

I have (co)authored over 100 scientific publications in renowned publication venues in software engineering and programming languages. I regularly serve on steering committees, program committees, and editorial boards of top tier conferences and journals in software engineering and programming languages.

Tue 4 Apr

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