‹Programming› 2017 (series) / Sebastian Götz

Registered user since Wed 20 Apr 2016
Name:Sebastian Götz
I’m currently a Post-Doc at Software Technology Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Technology Dresden.
I finished my PhD thesis on Multi-Quality Auto-Tuning by Contract Negotiation (multi-objective self-optimizing software systems) graded summa cum laude in July 2013.
I worked on the project CoolSoftware, in the junior research group QualiTune, part of the Resubic Lab Dresden and in the DFG collaborative research center 912: HAEC (Highly Adaptive Energy-efficient Computing). Currently, I’m working as a lecturer at Technische Universität Dresden. Additionally, I’m on voluntary capacity head of the jExam Group, a student lifecycle management system.
Affiliation:Technische Universität Dresden
Personal website: http://st.inf.tu-dresden.de/sgoetz
Research interests:Software Engineering, Self-adaptive Systems, Models@run.time
Live Adaptation of Software SYstems
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