‹Programming› 2017 (series) / Ola Mustafa

Registered user since Mon 6 Mar 2017
Name:Ola Mustafa
Ola Mustafa is a PhD student in the University of Oldenburg since 2014, in the department of Very Large Business Applications (VLBA). She is a scholarship holder and her research is funded by the European Union (EU) within phoenix project - action 2. She completed her Bachelor (2006) and Masters (2009) studies in Jordan, from Balqaa Applied University (BAU). She worked as a software architect and webmaster for Consolidated Consultants (CC) and University of Petra (UOP).
Affiliation:Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg / University of Oldenburg
Personal website: https://www.uni-oldenburg.de/en/computingscience/vlba/team/scholarship-holders/ola-mustafa/
Research interests:Web applications, SOA, Web services, Microservices, Software architecture
‹Programming› 2017-profile
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