‹Programming› 2017 (series) / Michael Van De Vanter

Registered user since Fri 8 May 2015
Name:Michael Van De Vanter
Michael Van De Vanter is a researcher at Oracle Labs in Redwood Shores, CA. His current project is to ensure that the high-performance language implementations made possible by the Truffle/Graal platform are accompanied by tools, such as debuggers, profilers, and others, with minimal extra development effort. He was previously author of the Maxine Inspector, a combination debugger and visual heap inspector for the Maxine Research VM, and before that Principal Investigator of the Jackpot project at Sun Microsystems Labs.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Oracle Labs
Personal website: http://vandevanter.net/mlvdv
Research interests:Developer Tools, Programming Languages, Human Computer Interaction, Software Engineering
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