Upcoming: ‹Programming› 2018
Thank you for attending ‹Programming› 2017! We hope to see you next year in Nice, France at ‹Programming› 2018!
‹Programming› 2017
The International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming is a new conference focused on everything to do with programming including the experience of programming. We’ve named it ‹Programming› for short. Papers are welcome from any part of the programming research lifecycle, as are papers on programming practice and experience.
Access the full-text .pdfs of all <Programming> 2017 research papers
Journal Affiliated
A new journal has been created as the publication vehicle for ‹Programming›. Papers submitted to this journal are reviewed by referees chosen by the ‹Programming› Program Chair, who is an associate editor for the journal. Authors of accepted papers are invited to present at the conference as a requirement for publication.
Workshop Keynotes
Teaching a Systematic Design Method for Concurrent Programs
Harrie Passier

Managed Language Runtimes on Heterogeneous Hardware: Optimizations for Performance, Efficiency and Lifetime Improvement
Shoaib Akram